Mencecap Kelezatan Kuliner Khas Melayu di Kota Madani

By , Jumat, 9 Desember 2016 | 18:16 WIB

Batam is my destination city this time. The city called Kota Madani (civil city) has several international ports. Its strategic location in the free trade zone, thus I often find foreign tourists. Generally, they come from neighboring countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand.

Most of the indigenous people are Malays. It makes me curious about the typical Malay cuisine, among others noodles Tarempa and luti gendang or also commonly called roti gendang.

 Noodles Tarempa are noodles coming from Tarempa Island, Riau Islands. Basically, ingredients of noodles Tarempa are same as other noodles, but the stuffing is different, made from fish such as shredded mackerel.

It is easy to find stalls selling noodles Tarempa in this city. This time, I explore a Stall of Noodles Tarempa in Batam Centre. You must be observant enough to look for an empty table because the crowds of guests might make anyone confused.

While waiting for my order of noodles Tarempa, I am also treated to a portion of 5 pieces of luti gendang.

At first glance luti gendang looks like Panada, typical Manado food. Fried bread with shredded fish stuffing costs IDR 3,000 per piece. This luti gendang can be used as souvenir. However, as souvenir it is better to buy half-cooked or frozen food to be served while it’s still warm.

Here comes my noodle Tarempa, sprinkled fried onions and pickled chilis are not forgotten. The noodles dominated with orange red seasoning, have two types, namely dried and wet noodles Tarempa. Dried noodles Tarempa without sauce, wet noodles Tarempa having souce.

The sweet noodles Tarempa combined with luti gendang, gives a guarantee to pamper for anyone who tried it. So, don’t think twice to try this special food of Riau Islands!